ABOUT . . .

I'm Med, I'm 23, and I've been online for longer than I can remember. I got really into Kin Tumblr at age fourteen and haven't recovered. I used to make themes, but it's been a hot minute, so I'm still getting back into the groove of things.

If I'm not working on my site, I'm often seen baking, knitting, watching anime, or playing visual novels. (I'm also rather fond of snacking, lol)

I mainly made this site for funsies, and also as a place to store things I make. Sometimes other people like them, too, like the Powered by Yaoi button I made. Pretty much anything from stamps to blinkies to character bias sorters to random bits of code for pages goes on here. I also made this site so I can be even more insane about Tsui No Sora/Subarashiki Hibi than I am on Tumblr, but that is neither here nor there.