White Lotus Association
Pre-High School
In High School But Before The Game
Looking-Glass Insects (Zakuro)
It's My Own Invention (Takuji)
Down The Rabbit Hole II (Yuki)
Jabberwocky (Tomosane)
Which Dreamed It (Hisaki)
Rough Timeline of Takuji, Yuki, and Tomosane's System Adventures
Down The Rabbit Hole I (Yuki)
End Sky II (Yuki/Ayana)
Unanswered Questions/Unknown Whereabouts
Additional Notes


Before we delve into this rabbit-hole

This is going to be a fairly in-depth breakdown of what happens in Subarashiki Hibi, divided up by character for the most part. This is meant for those who want a better understanding of what happens each day and which character is doing what, or for those who need a refresher for theory purposes but don't want to replay each route. It can get a bit convoluted, especially in regards to Yuki and Takuji.

Given the nature of this page, I would recommend you not read through it until you finish the game.

You may notice I've excluded the endings except for End Sky II. This is because they're pretty straight-forward, in my opinion. There's not much to break down timeline-wise, except for End Sky II SPECIFICALLY which brings some timeline fuckery into play. What the fuck, Ayana.

You may also notice that these are not in the order the game presents them to you. There's a few reaons for that, but simply put: I think it flows best like this. I've also put DTRH I and End Sky II in their own little sections after breaking down where Mamiya was physically during each day of SubaHibi.

White Lotus Association

The Mamiya Household, Hasaki and Tomosane's Childhood
